Jul 1, 2011

It's All About The Visual Merchandising



How to Merchandise Clothing Effectively:   

* Always allow items space to display without touching the arm below etc

* Ensure items are steamed if necessary to remove creases and help items look their best.

* Use identical hangers and face them the same direction througout the display.

* Face clothes towards the front of the shop and towards the aisles to maximise exposure and create a sense of tidiness.

* Try not to place items higher than the average customer can reach.

* Use all available POS and props were appropriate to generate visual interest.

* Group items by style, range, type of clothing, colour.

* Always ensure your items are ordered by size as it shows attention to detail.

* When possible if items are on 'clip' hangers make sure that the trousers or skirt are folded neatly so that they are the width of the hanger. It makes displays look much tidier.

*Always remember some rules are meant to be broken - use your judgement if you think it looks good go with it!

The Art of Retail Display - How to visual merchandise !. (2009, May 20). Squidoo : Welcome to Squidoo. Retrieved July 3, 2011, from http://www.squidoo.com/artofdisplay

"Visual merchandising is the silent salesperson."- anonymous