I've been interning for three days now and I'm loving it!
I feel like I was extremely prepared for this internship from my past experiences from working at Cheeky Peach and other jobs. It has been an adjustment getting use to the whole idea of the island way, which is a slower and more relaxed atmosphere to encompass that idea with planning out my summer for ben has been somewhat of a struggle for me. I'm willing to grow and appreciate this new way of life for me. Plus I'm at the beach for an entire summer so I can't complain ;-).
Leslie, thus far, has been a wonderful mentor and insider on all things fashion and SSI. Each morning we meet at her house to discuss the pre-fall collection and fashion in general. We have planned for the next two weeks to come up with ideas and designs for the pre-fall collection. After we meet each morning I go back to my place to sketch and research for the rest of the day.
Along with meeting with Leslie in the mornings she has also allowed me to go to the store, NANCY, that carries her line. I loved going into the store because I've been able experience their clientele and working with higher end clothing. I adore the store, but it is in need of a face lift and organization. I had the opportunity to meet Nancy, who owns NANCY, in between her busy schedule. She comes off very driven and independent which is nice to see from a store owner. I have yet to meet the other coworker that works with Nancy and Leslie, but I found out her name is Leslie as well. The dynamics to this store is noteworthy.
I am thoroughly excited about the weeks to come and being able to be around amazing women and I hope to gain a world of experience from them.
"Every artist was first an amateur." - Ralph Waldo Emerson